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30 Hours Free Childcare Provision


Are you eligible?

If your child turns three during the Spring term and will be entitled to funding for the first time from April, the deadline to make your application for a 30 Hour Code is 31st March 2021. If you need to obtain a code you'll need to visit If already have a code, you'll need to renew it every 3 months.


Who’s eligible for the funding?

The 30 hours funding is designed for working families with 3 or 4 year olds, where both parents live and work in the UK. You and your partner will both need to earn the equivalent of 16 hours a week at the national minimum wage or living wage and no more than £100,000 a year each.


What funding will I actually get?

You’ll be entitled to up to 30 hours of funded childcare a week. 


When can my funding start?

If you are eligible, you can claim up to 30 hours of funded childcare from the start of the term after your child turns 3. Terms follow the school year - if your child’s birthday is in July for example,  you’ll receive funding from September. 


What’s the difference between the existing 15 hour scheme and this one?

Families with 3 and 4 year olds already get 15 hours of funded childcare per week in term time - it's a universal scheme, so everyone can benefit, whether they’re working or not. The 30  hours scheme is  for working families. 


If you'd like to discuss your childcare options in more detail, please give one of the Noah's Ark team a call on 07930 279204.

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